if seems there's a great mystery to be solve!
the lights are so mysterious! What crime have they to solve? and you have illustrated those books? :)
(and thank you, khctang) ('u')
I think the mystery is the smoking woman. she provoke the most questions for mehaha, giant boy detective it's just a fictional book that is mentioned in an american cartoon Venture Brother's
fictional book or not, looks interesting :) and the Giant Boy Detective is a amazing character
Love the graphic and clean look. Great mood in the scene!
Wow...excellent and amazing work. If they ever actually publish Dean's favorite books (and I think we all hope they do), they should get you to illustrate them.
I would love to illustrate the books, if i can survive the pressure! Thanks for all the comments
if seems there's a great mystery to be solve!
the lights are so mysterious! What crime have they to solve? and you have illustrated those books? :)
(and thank you, khctang) ('u')
I think the mystery is the smoking woman. she provoke the most questions for me
haha, giant boy detective it's just a fictional book that is mentioned in an american cartoon Venture Brother's
fictional book or not, looks interesting :) and the Giant Boy Detective is a amazing character
Love the graphic and clean look. Great mood in the scene!
Wow...excellent and amazing work. If they ever actually publish Dean's favorite books (and I think we all hope they do), they should get you to illustrate them.
I would love to illustrate the books, if i can survive the pressure! Thanks for all the comments