Okido makes me so happy

I've just finished some work for the coming issue for Okido (to be release this July). 
I have not posted anything about about my other works before... 
my work on Okido is such a different style....

Anyways I've been contributing to Okido Magazine for nearly 2 years now and it makes be so happy every time I get to work with them!!

*the above image is not me work, it's the cover of the current issue


Amanda Baeza said...

OKIDO seems to be a great project, perfect for my brothers (and for me too!) is nice to see color in your work :) I never imagine that! it's a big and good surprise. (and thank you for the link to okido magazine!)

khct said...

just to clarify, the image is not my work, it's the cover for the current issue. haha
but yea but i do work with colour for Okido. A lot ; )

Amanda Baeza said...

Oh :o sorry :) ahah, it explains why I was not imagining your work like that

khct said...

haha yeah but no, my work for them is totally different to my personal work, the magazine for young children, so
that's why i haven't posted any of my other works on here!